Clapp with Jane with Jane Clapp
Clapp with Jane with Jane Clapp
The Personal is Political with Afeef Nessouli
Tune into my conversation available last week with Afeef Nessouli, a journalist, activist and videographer. We discuss his experiences participating in Black Lives Matter protests in New York and his own journey living with a history of trauma and health challenges.
Two of my favourite quotes:
"I feel so connected to the point of getting on the streets and making change because of my acute pain towards systems. I'm not happy that I have that pain. I'm just not resisting it anymore."
"You get to be the kind of person that trusts themselves so thoroughly that you are going to make a mistake and you are going to fail. You're going to get something wrong and then you're going to correct yourself along the way because that's the process."
Afeef's experience as a journalist ranges from freelancing for CNN to being a news producer for The Daily Show with Trevor Noah. After two years reporting in Lebanon and documenting the lives of those displaced, he returned to New York at the start of the COVID-19 crisis. He's been playing an active role in the protests in New York by videotaping and providing a different perspective than what's shown in mainstream news sources. Afeef's mission as a journalist is to give his audience a real and human look at the experiences of those who are oppressed.
Instagram: @afeefness